For families or individuals who are deported or choose to return to Mexico, the transition can be tough, to say the least. The resources on this page are meant especially for young people who are going through this difficult change:
A team of professors of Spanish, culture and Mexican literature have designed a series of short courses on general knowledge, historical icons, cinema and art from Mexico in order to support young people in their transition from the United States to Mexico.
They have made the courses with the support of the Arist platform that gives access to information through text messages, Messenger (FB) and Whatsapp. Once you choose a course, you get a short text a day.
Otros Dreams en Acción is an organization dedicated to mutual support and political action for and by those who grew up in the United States and now find themselves in Mexico due to deportation, the deportation of a family member, or the threat of deportation.
In Spanish “ODA” translates to ode, or a poem meant to be sung. We believe in the power of arts and culture to learn from one another and to tell our stories from the inside out. We believe in our potential as a community to make positive change in the aftermath of deportation and exile. We believe in our right to be from two countries, to belong aquí y allá.